13 Vital SEO Tips To Bring Website On Top Position (Part#1)

Website development is a profitable business is it is growing up day by day. Every profitable website has good SEO (search engines optimization) strategy. For the success of any website you must have to categorize and implement at least the essential and basics techniques of SEO (search engine optimization). 

But if you are new in web development and you are not well known about SEO strategies and resources.  You will find variety of websites and bloggers; these tell about how to optimize a website. But here Web Data Guide provides and give guidance to you that how can you optimize you website or blogs. These following steps are basic and fundamental steps for any website and blog.

Before starting these steps keep one thing very clear that SEO is not a onetime work or job. It is a continuous repetition of process. Search Engine Optimization is a long term and continuous commitment of work. All search engines are bringing changes in their algorithms, so that all strategies are not useful for all websites or blogs. The strategy that worked for a website may not work for other websites. SEO is a long term program and it requires patient for success.

It is best for your website that you optimize yours website by yourself. Become a student of SEO and you are so lucky to found this website. Web Data Guide provides the complete tutorial on On-Page Optimization and Off-Page Optimization.

Choose SEO Friendly Website URL
Select your website URL as simple as you can and your website URL must be SEO friendly. SEO friendly mean that your website URL must be related to your website topic and contents. If possible then choose your most important keyword as URL. This will give your website boost in SERP. Avoid using hyphens in URLs. Although hyphens are treat as a space between phrases.

Keyword Research Before the Starting of The Website
Before starting the website user have to build a good keyword research project. In keyword research user come to know about the related keywords, competition of keyword, local and global keywords search in all search engines. There are many keyword research tools on net, some are on paid and some are free of cost. Both types of keyword tools are powerful. Choose those keywords for your websites which have low competition and high search engines search. There are lots of keywords tools but the most distinguish keyword research toll is Google Ad-Words keywords tool.

Use Unique and Relevant Title for Website 
Title tag is most important part of your website. It tells about website. Use main keyword in the title but complete title of website must be unique and significant. Title of successful website does not contain more than 2 to 3 words. This is a part of on-page optimization of any website.
Go for 2nd part for more details.
>>>>> 13 Vital SEO Tips To Bring Website On Top Position (Part#2)

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