What is HTML Meta Tags - How to Build Content Related Meta Tags

HTML Meta tag written in code as <meta>. Meta tags are hidden HTML codes for web page. Meta tags are used by all search engines to index the websites. When search engines crawl the internet for required information the Meta tags provide the extra and content related information of websites / web page.
Meta tags are very useful in finding content related website information. Only use content relevant keywords / information in Meta tags otherwise it is useless. If Meta tags are good and related to content of website, the website will achieve higher rank than the competitor’s websites that doesn't have good quality meta tags.
A Meta tag provides two basic information.
<meta name=" " content=" ">
Meta NAME=" "
It defines the name of the tag. For example this use for a keyword or description tags etc.
Meta CONTENT=" "
It describe the value the tag but relevant to content of websites.


Examples and Types of Meta Tags

Meta tag "description"  (meta description tag)
Meta tag "keywords"
Meta name "robots"
Meta tag "revisit-after"
Meta tag "abstract"
Meta tag "author"
Meta tag "contact"
Meta tag "copyright"
Meta tag "distribution"
Meta tag "expires"
Meta tag" generator"
Meta tag "googlebot"
Meta tag "language"
Meta tag "news keywords"
Meta tag "no email collection"
Meta tag "rating"
Meta tag "reply-to"
Meta tag "slurp"  ( meta name slurp noydir )
Meta tag "web_author"
Meta tag "DC" Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (dc meta tags)
Meta tag rel="no follow"
Meta tag rel="canonical"
Meta tags Influence Meter
Meta tag "http=equiv"
HTML tag http-equiv "imagetoolbar"
HTML tag http-equiv "content-type"
HTML tag http-equiv "set-cookie" 
HTML tag http-equiv "content-disposition"
HTML tag http-equiv "MSThemeCompatible"
HTML tag http-equiv "pics label"
HTML tag http-equiv "pragma"
HTML tag http-equiv "refresh"
HTML tag http-equiv "resource-type"
HTML tag http-equiv "content-script"
HTML tag http-equiv "content-style-type"
HTML tag http-equiv "window-target"
HTML tag http-equiv "cache-control"

Heading Tags

<h1>   <h2>   <h3>   <h4>   <h5>   <h6>   
  • Heading Tags
  • 06 heading tags are used
  • Heading tags are used to define Heading on web page
  • <h1> tag is use for most important heading and <h6> for least important heading
  • Each heading tag has different font size
  • This is basic HTML tag

HTML Comments Tag

  • Comments Tag
  • This is basic HTML tag
  • This tag use for pasting comments in HTML formats of the web page
  • This tag is only for developer help to remember some comments related tags
  • These comments does not appear on web page

HEAD Tag Definition and Categorization

HTML Head <head> tag is a group of Tags. Header tag contains all general information about web page.
<!doctype> Document Type Definition Tag. This tag describes the type of document.
<link> Link Tag. This tag use to link external CSS Cascading Style Sheet and external JavaScript etc.
<meta> Meta Data Information Tags use to describe the description data and keywords of web page.
<title> Title Tag. This tag describes the title of web page.
<style> Cascading Style Sheet Tag. This tag is use to write internal CSS Cascading Style Sheet inside the current web page document.
<script> Script Tag. This tag is use to link internal and external JavaScript code files to make web page dynamic and flexible.
<base> Base Tag. this tag is use to specify a base URL. It will alter every relative URL on web page to absolute URL.

Head Tag Structure

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="link of CSS file.css"> 
<title> Write a Title of web page</title>
<script src="javascript.js">
<meta name="description" content="write information about web page/website.">
<meta name="keywords" content="Write keywords">
  <!-- All data about Body part -->


  • Document Type Definition.
  • This is basic HTML tag
  • Apply to Define the document type.
  • In short words also called DTD tag


  • Hyper Text Markup Language
  • This is basic HTML tag
  • Apply to define the HTML document
  • In short words also called HTML tag

Web Applications and HTML5

HTML5 is the fifth revision of the Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML). HTML5 has variety of tags for Web applications. The special features in HTML5 are particular functions for embedding audio, video and graphics files. A variety of special functions are also included for interactive documents.  Some tags are as following:-
<article>     This tag defines the article
<nav>         This tag defines the Navigation links
<source>     This tag defines media resources

What is Web or World Wide Web

Web also known as World Wide Web. Web is a system that provides access to internet services. For this access there are numbers of application and web browsers like Google Chrome, Firefox, opera, Microsoft Internet Explorer.  Web support the Hyper Text Markup Language abbreviated as HTML. HTML is web documented language that support links to other web pages.
World Wide Web and internet are not the same; there is a big difference between them.

Difference between World Wide Web and Internet


Internet is a very big system of networks. Through internet millions of computers connected globally. On internet all computers can communicate with each other and can transfer information to each other.

World Wide Web

World Wide Web or Web is a system of accessing data and information on Internet. Anyone can share information on internet. Web information can be text, graphics, video and audio files. Web document name as web page based on HTML. Web pages on internet can be link to each other using Hyperlinks.
Web is a big section of the Internet. These are not identical or synonymous.

Basic HTML Tags for Web Page

Use for Defining the document type. Also called DTD tag (Document Type Definition)
Use for Defining the HTML document.
Use to describe a title for the web page.
Use to define the document's body data.
HTML heading tags are use to define the headings in different formats on web page.
Use to start new paragraph
Use to break the data/text line and start in new line.
It defines a horizontal line.
Use for comments. This is only developer to write some comments to remember. This tag does not appear on web page.

What is HTML

HTML is Short form of Hyper Text Markup Language.It is specific language used to create web documents on the web or World Wide Web. HTML language describes the structure from and layout of the Web page. Web page is decorated by using the diversity of tags and attributes.

The basic structure for an HTML document is


<title> </title>

Body data may be text or images-------

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Starting with <html> tag and end with closing tag </html>.
<head> between head tags describe the document heading/title for what document is written </head>.
<BODY> All data and information you like to add</BODY>
There are lot of tags used to redesign, format and layout the information in the Web page. 

Web Data Guide gives access you to learn HTML language. For your easiness HTML language video lectures in Urdu language are available.


<!DOCTYPE> declare it in very first line of HTML document, after this start <html> tag.
<!DOCTYPE> is not HTML tag.
<!DOCTYPE> does not have an end tag.
<!DOCTYPE> declaration is NOT case sensitive.
<!DOCTYPE> provide the information about HTML version use in web page to the web browser.
HTML 4.01is based on SGML so it declared the <!DOCTYPE>.
HTML5 is not based on SGML therefore it does not need a DTD reference or <!DOCTYPE>.

Tip: Must add <!DOCTYPE> to HTML documents, so that all browser easily guess what type of document is.


Document type definition also called DTD. DTD documents coded in a particular language called HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language). In HTML code DTD define as <!DOCTYPE>.
The definition of DTD (Document Type Definition) is “a particular document or set of statements that follow the rules and regulations of the SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) or XML (Extensible Markup Language).
The function of a DTD (Document Type Definition) is to describe the document structure, list of authorized elements and attributes and authorized structure widget.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Web Data</title>
Unique content of the document......